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+9 votes
In April this year we found cache GC13Y2Y 'Lego - einer ist zuviel' in Berlin and were amazed that it had nearly 7000 favourite points at that time. Today it has nearly 7400, achieved over 9 years since June 2007. To log it you have to find the one extra lego brick in a 20 foot high yellow lego giraffe sculpture! Amazing fun, and trying to look with no muggles is almost impossible! It would be interesting to know which other caches out there have amazing favourite point scores as well and what other cachers can say or recommend about them.
in Miscellaneous by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
edited by GCZ Team
The HQ ;-) I visited it in August last year for the last HQ event.
I found one with currently 249 favourite points: GC2H363.

59 Answers

0 votes
GC2EJCELiebesbrückeTraditional CacheGermany Nordrhein-Westfalen3703 (39%)

But much better are the Crazy Caches (CCs). These are technical gimmicks. Or a new Cache KFZ-NC-100.

Next Year I trevel to Berlin, than I will find "Lego - einer ist zu viel"

I think the number of FPs are meaningless. The percentages are what you should pay attention to.

by capoaira (7.1k points)
0 votes
GC28BeverlyTraditional CacheUnited States Illinois1220 (51%)

 This is a nice hike in the woods. A good cache that earns it's favorite points for being kept well maintained for 17.5 years!

by Blues Crew (2.5k points)
0 votes

Also for us:

GC18182Voss-MargarineMulti-cacheGermany Hamburg5683 (83%)
by Team Just-T (2.2k points)
0 votes
As of today (8 December 2017), our find with the most FP is GC11JM6, Geist des Hagen. Just so happens that it's our favorite cache as well, it's very well done and deserving of every point it gets.
by hzoi (8.3k points)
0 votes
A low amount of 226 points for my best one.
by DARKSIDEDAN (3.7k points)
0 votes

For me is it cache in Prague (GCF496) with 1520 fav, but this cache is virtual and in my opinion this is the reason for such number of fav points. But from tradi caches is cache with 1462 points in Bayern (GC24FW6) and this one was really funny

by drobec (4.5k points)
0 votes
My current caches with the most favourites are:

C6XP4X  Vaclavske namesti (Prag) -  Today it has 1442 favourite points.

GC25J40 4.prístav (Prag) -  Today it has 1279 favourite points.

GC4RP6V Welcome to Prague (Prag) - Today it has 1054 favourite points.
by medvedzl (1.8k points)
0 votes
Mingo, the oldest in Kansas.
by TerraViators (9.1k points)
0 votes

GC729A Welcome to Las Vegas currently at 1540 favorite points. Visited in April 2012 straight from the airport.

by JS&SV (1.7k points)
0 votes
GCEB2The view of an "Honest Man"Virtual CacheUnited States District of Columbia1444

Is currently at 1444 fav points.

by ormustr (4.0k points)
0 votes

Not to miss, you will break the safe of this 'bank'

GC2JV5Xvan "Kluis tot Kookhuis"

Happy new year! 

by Pepegeo (11.2k points)
0 votes

Hi, I found GC5GTCM with 2 262 FP. It is a good cache for a town and it has many points because there are many people going there. Total number of points is not always the best measure. I know many better and more fun caches with few FP and visits. Everyone is looking for something else ... and that's beautiful on Geocaching, right?

by hynous (3.1k points)
0 votes
GC43Europe's FirstTraditional CacheIreland Leinster2998 FP
by drobec (4.5k points)
0 votes
Also Lego.. but this was by far not the best cache... just nice
by Rumreisenden (4.3k points)
0 votes
Of course the Lego-Cache in Berlin. ;)
by Kodo-Jano (2.4k points)
0 votes
"Geocache" (GC40) in Belgium, like many geocachers in northern France.
The second cache that I found and which has the most favorite points is "van" Kluis tot Kookhuis ""
in the Netherlands.
by mimh_de_benetnash (2.0k points)
edited by mimh_de_benetnash
0 votes
We had some neat old virtuals that we had found in the PNW and in NYC as our top favorite point caches but then we did the HQGT and they now occupy the top ten spots!
by msweetnw (1.7k points)
0 votes
In plain sightTraditional CacheNetherlands Noord-Holland786 (13%
by Devlin- Brown (220 points)
0 votes

For me it's the same of many, the Geocaching Headquarters. Even though we live in Europe, it´s still our number 1.

by Aylexia (150 points)