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0 votes
This came up debugging a tag on a challenge. There was a user who the tag was not reporting correctly. After a while we found the caches that should have qualified him and used the refresh cache feature in self support to update the projector database. After the figuring out it was a database coherency problem, it would have been nice to just ingest all the catchers logs.

Could there be introduced a get all logs for any user in self support? Maybe it only is enabled for taggers and scripters of checkers. It could also be a good thing for cache owners.

in Feature requests by sloth96 (3.8k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I've made a non-checker script which does this:
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)
That is a needed tool.  I will definitely be bookmarking it.

However I may have been unclear.  What I wanted was something that would re download the logs from into the project gc database.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
Easiest workaround I can see (for paying members) is to add the user's caches to a VGPS (Map Compare would be the way to get them) and export as GPX setting the "Refresh data older than" option to the minimum.
I need to give this a try. Thanks for outlining the workflow.