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My finds totals don't add up.

I have found two days in the year where my finds are not added to my stats. I have been using the "top finders" stat and searching by county, and each month adds up, but the whole year is not adding up.

I am two days short, both are 1st of the month, (they don't appear in the previous month)

1st May and 1st July, Which put my finds per county out by 60 finds.

Anyone know why this maybe??
closed with the note: Problem identified by Target, thanks for the help!
in Bug reports by maattmoo (120 points)
closed by maattmoo
Oh, additionally I've run the self help for find totals and all find logs
Looks good to me. The numbers match the ones. Could lab caches be a problem?
I've written a script which lists all finds PGC would use for the stats:

As Jakuje suggested, the counts seem to match your non-lab cache total and your 60 lab caches would be the number you're saying it's out by.
Thanks, but it is not lab caches, my lab caches have been found over three years.
And are not included in any of the months stats,

The problem is that if I add up all the monthly caches, Jan+Feb... all searched for in the same stat feature, they don't equal the total for the year.
It is lab caches
You have 60 lab cache find and a total of 5700 finds including labs. It would be a strange coincidence if the problem is 60 and it is not the lab caches.

If you look at the stat "Finds for Each Day of the Year" labs are included since the total number there is 5700

I i look at 1st May and 1st August (1 July is 38 on both)
the the difference are 10 caches on each date.
And a look at you lab caches
show 10 finds on 2015-05-01 and 10 on 2015-08-01

If it is not the case pleas show exactly what stat you are adding and gives incorrect values.
You can post the url to a pgc stat page you use so we can understans exactly what you mean
Thanks for the replies…

It is not lab caches, the year for this error is 2016 (I have not checked other years)
I have used only the following…
Top finders, caches found in Kent

My finds for 1/1/16 - 31/5/16 show 872

My finds for 1/1/16 - 30/4/16 total 658

My finds for 1/5/16 - 31/5/16 total 254

But this doesn't add up… it is 40 caches short, on 1/1/15 I found 40 caches exactly and they are missing from the yearly total, but included in the monthly…

As far as I am aware lab caches are not counted at any point in these statistics so cannot be the error.
Many thanks for the help in advance.
It is a bug with date caculations. the problem is that April only haves 30 day and you have set it to 31.
If you set it to april 30 you will get correct values. I suspect the same for your last post when July only have 30 days

2016-01-01 to 2016-04-31 gives 658 finds
2016-01-01 to 2016-04-30 gives 618 finds
It likely included 2016-05-01 since you have 40 find on that day.

I have reported the bug
Thanks, seems strange to count an extra day but that makes it all correct!
Thanks for the help, and a suitable answer!
Kind regards
I suspect that some code uses another date format. If you convert the date to a format where the day number(ordinal dates) of the year is used

Jan 31 = 31
Feb 1= 32
Dec 31 = 365/366 (depending of leap year)

If you calculate it like:
Take the (number for the first day of the month)-1 and add the day of the month.
And then add one if a leap year and month >2

The code is easy to do and will work if input data i correct but it not i would result in this bug. Lots of code assume correct values.

The problem is that it is that the input data is not validate. There has to be som code that changes the impossible date.

A format like that is quite resonable to use because the you can check if a date is before som value with a quick comparison of a integer instead of comparing a long strings. Tests in that format will be faster

Time format like that is often used in for example