Every time that I want to use a VGPS I am focused on the caches involved - I go to the map, select the caches and... I forgot to select the correct VGPS, or I need to create a new one. So I do that, then I have to re-select my caches all over again.
Could we have a drop down beside the VGPS in the top menu to select which VGPS file to use, with "Create new" as an entry, which presents the current VGPS create new pop-up, and "Manage" which returns the current VGPS page. This does mean the page needs to be redrawn in order for the top menu to show the updated selected VGPS, which means I lose my selected caches :-( . A better solution is to update the top menu without redrawing the page, but I suspect that involves a major rewrite of the top menu code.
Low priority request. Integrating lab caches is more important!