A feature request: I it is indeed very nice that the live map tool has a setting that allows the user to select a default tile layer for the underlying map so that one may have it set to for example OpenStreetMaps as default whenever the live map is opened.
It would seem, however, that the other map-based tools such as the D/T Matrix map tool lacks that option, making it default to Google Road.
My feature request is then to introduce either:
- A per-map-based-tool setting for which tile layer is used on all map-based tools - or if that is too cumbersome to implement,
- A global setting for all map-based tools other than the live map - or
- One global map tile layer setting (controlled from whereever) that is then the default choice for all map-based tools
Would that be doable? Are there any significant drawbacks of having a setting like that? Is there any chance of having either of the above implemented?