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+1 vote
I think similar request already has been posted, sorry if this is a duplicate...

In Profile stats the D/T matrix I can toggle all/trad/multi/unknown. I would like to add the other types as well to the stats. Would that possible?
in Feature requests by doffy_74 (580 points)
A good question - I am in the throes of rying to complete various grids for a variety of finds not just all

3 Answers

+1 vote
You can use "Tools -> Map DT matrix" to see your statistics for any type, even though it isn't in the profile statistics as such.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Is it really possible to get a complete view in "Map D/T Matrix"? It is mandatory to add "Cache location: [country]".

And it would be easier, and also cooler, to be able to toggle all types in the Stats.
The Cache location field will limit the suggestions you get for caches to fill out the holes in your matrix, but the matrix will be built from all your finds.
0 votes
by Vooruit! (1.1k points)
0 votes
That would be great! Letterboxes WIGs and ECs are really missing :-D
by Bitburger87 (360 points)