It's not so much an "Additional Logging Requirement," as it is a logging requirement.
"Additional Logging Requirement" meant a task undertaken in addition to signing the paper log on a physical cache. For example, at our cache GC1G6JE, we required finders to not only find the cache and sign the log, but also post a photo of the hotel construction nearby.
Although some have been changed to higher resolution webcams, most webcams relied on technology from 2005 or earlier -- meaning low resolution. Add to that, many webcams were wide angle views and didn't pick up many details of people. That made it difficult to distinguish a geocacher from just some guy walking down the street -- and in fact I have seen many examples of webcam photos that were likely not of the geocacher but just some random passerby.
Hence, the requirement to do something special to log. It's no different than a virtual cache requiring a particular photo. You can blame the armchair loggers, who also helped ruin many a virtual cache.
Waving's not even that bad. Some require signs, or even doing the phoon, like GCNHA5. Fine for me, but someone in their 70s might not be able to pull much of a phoon off.