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+1 vote
We are trying to complete a Challenge cache that requires us to find a cache that belongs to a cache owner whose caching names begin with number 0-9. We are struggling to find any owners whose name begin with 1,5, 7 & 8.

Is there an easy way to find them as I have been trawling through 100's of pages of caters to no avail.

I am only interested in cachers in the UK - sorry!
in Support and help by Arrowrat (440 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Option 1 is to look at other people who have logged the challenge and see which caches/owners they have two.

Option 2 is to use the advanced search on project gc on the dashboard. Put '1' into the cache owner box and select the 'starts with' option. Set the location to be 'united kingdom' and click search. This will show you all the caches where either the 'owner' or 'placed by' fields start with an owner beginning with 1 - you will need to check with the challenge which field you need to use.|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

by mole125 (Expert) (21.1k points)
selected by Arrowrat
Thank you very much! We didn't know this feature (Support) existed until we attended the Meet Project-GC event at the Devon Mega. Please pass on our sincere thanks to the guy (& his girlfriend) as the talk was excellent. We love Project GC even more now as we learnt so much. I have run the searches as suggested and found some names - I feel a caching trip coming on now!
Thanks again.
0 votes
You can use advanced search set start with on cache owen and the digit.

You have to add that approriate area. A problem is that it dont work with names starting with 0 the expected way
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
Thanks. Now I know what to do it's easy! :)