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Also here on most challenge related parts, just a rotating circle. I wonder maybe I have to use an other webbrowser? Even the challenge checker that I used before I was a paying member, only show rotating circle....

I logged out and in again, autorization again etc. but no results so far.
related to an answer for: New Challenge tab is hanging
in Bug reports by Anicha- (220 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
There are still problems with some webbrowers see also

In some cases the problem is solved on windows  by using Edge
by vogelbird (Expert) (56.7k points)
selected by Anicha-
Thanks for the answer, now I know that they are working on it and it is not my computer related.

I have swiched to Edge, but same problems, than to Google Chrome and the checker does work again. But my stats page Challenge tab still only gives the list of challenge caches that I have foound and fullfiled and is still circling and rotating on the results of challenge caches that I have found but not yet fullfilled.

I'll keep an eye on this forum and hope the bugs will be killed soon.....
Yes, the Challenges signed (but not yet logged as found) section seems to be having some issues today, it was working yesterday but today it's just a spinning circle for me as well.
Concur.  I am getting just a spinning circle with both Edge and Firefox.