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+1 vote


Statistics about FTF are very complete but I dare a suggestion:

More than the number of FTF done (which can rise very quickly with the FTF during events or power-trails inaugurations) I think that what characterizes a real "FTF hunter" is the number of times he's gone hunting successfully.

So would it be possible to create a statistic that would count all the different days we had at least one FTF (not just the 366 calendar days which already exist)?

Best regards


Les statistiques concernant les FTF sont très complètes mais j'ose une suggestion :

Plus que le nombre de FTF réalisés (qui peut grimper très vite avec les FTF pendant les events ou les inaugurations de power-trails) je pense que ce qui caractérise un véritable "chasseur de FTF" c'est le nombre de fois où il est parti à la chasse avec succès.

Aussi serait-il possible de créer une statistique qui comptabiliserait tous les jours différents où l'on a fait au moins un FTF (pas seulement sur les 366 journées calendaires ce qui existe déjà) ?

Bien cordialement


in Feature requests by Chickilim (1.4k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Thank you pinkunicorn and geoGRAV for your answer but I already know this stat, that's why I specified "(not juste the 366 calendar days, which already exist)". I apologize if I have not been very clear.

To be as clear as possible let's take an example : If you made a FTF on March, 14th 2013 and another one in March, 14th 2014, in the "Finds by find date" it will count for only one date : March, 14th. In my request it will count for two different dates so you may really see how many different days a FTF hunter was in activity since he start geocaching.

With this feature the ranking would be a little bit different and it would put more value in those who do not hesitate to often go out for a single FTF compared to those who register tens of FTF in one day during an event or by openin a power-trail.

I think it would be a complementary ranking to those that already exist.
by Chickilim (1.4k points)
–1 vote
You can see this information on the profile already. In the "Finds by find date" section the date is black if you have at least one FTF on that date and white otherwise. Below the table is also a sum of you total number of FTF dates.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (195k points)
–1 vote
Hi Chickilim,

do you know the feature "xx FTF out of 366 days" which you can see on your Profile stats site under "Finds by Found date"?

Because from my point of view this is exactly what you are asking for .... or have I missed a point?


<Edit> too late :p
by geoGRAV (6.9k points)
edited by geoGRAV