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in Bug reports by yevgets (150 points)
Can you share the screenshot of that error?

1 Answer

0 votes
There is a limit of 1000 geocaches in a bookmark list - perhaps you exceeded that number?
by Carangue (1.0k points)
That does not sound like that issue. VGPS is limited with much more than thousand of caches that fit into Geocaching Bookmark list.
Nope, I got only 46 caches in that list.
you perhaps need to explain how you proceed step by step.
VGPS - > manage list - > import from bookmark list - > click on my profile - >  get bookmark list - > choose one -> import.
I tried to replicate this by creating a new list on the Virtual GPS and using your steps :

VGPS - > manage list - > import from bookmark list - > click on my profile - >  get bookmark list - > choose one -> import.

it works fine with me...
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