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+1 vote
I noticed that in the Profile Stats the Svalbard and Jan Mayen flag has disappeared (it is the same as the Norwegian flag, so there should already be an image file for that). I know it used to be there before. At the same time, the country badge disappeared as well. I know my Vanuatu country badge is just an empty badge with no flag in it (please add), but for Svalbard the badge is not even showing, just the text 'The Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands cacher'. Any reason for this or is this a bug?
in Bug reports by Pihoqahiak (3.7k points)
At my profile, the Svalbard badge is still not showing either... Only the text with the name of the country.

1 Answer

0 votes
The Svalbard issue is an effect of the renaming of certain countries and regions that Geocaching HQ did a while ago. We've fixed it now. There is still no badge for Vanatu, which is since BadgeGen doesn't have a badge for Vanatu.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (197k points)
I still don't see a flag or country badge for Svalbard for the moment, just the text...