I only started in October last year so my goals are more aligned to my first 12 months of caching than the 2018 calendar year, but close enough. I have many goals at the moment, some broad and some are rather specific in order to qualify for challenge caches in my area. Here is a few of them:
Goal: Fill 50% of calendar dates in my first year
Status: On track. Currently at 42.7% (103/241) but that includes a nearly month long streak of no finds when I was new so i'm slowly pulling that back. Working on a find streak at the moment so this one should be comfortable achieved
Goal: Find at least one 5/5
Status: Achieved. Bought a yak a couple of months ago and made my first 5/5 within a week. Also have co-ords for a second one that I should find next month.
Goal: Complete 50% of my first D/T loop
Status: Almost achieved, currently at 39/81 and I would already be there if it wasnt for a couple of pesky DNF's. Have actually changed this goal to fill my first D/T loop now I have a kayak, but I dont think i will quite make this inside the first 12 months as there are 3-4 random combinations that I will have to travel to get to.
Goal: Qualify for a 15 year unloved challenge cache
Status: I can smell it. Im just days short and like the D/T would already be there if not for a DNF. Should have this knocked off next month, allowing my to find the cache as part of a mystery month challenge.
Goal: Hide a cache
Status: Achieved. Have 2 hides out that were published this month and will be taking over 2 other caches in the coming weeks. Have another 2 that are nearly ready for review and a series of around a dozen that I will work on later in the year when it gets warmer (winter here at the moment, has been nudging zero degrees celsius the last few mornings...)