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+2 votes

Lonely caches cannot be checked by the checker system of PROJECT-GC, but there is a checker that claims to work for the GC42RRG lonely cache challenge, and it produces false negatives.   This checker always says one hasn't satisfied the challenge.  The proper way to handle challenges for which no checker is possible is to have no checker!   That way one knows to evaluate one's qualifications personally.

in Bug reports by bobf (290 points)
Huh, this is somewhat strange anyway - if I remember correctly challenge checkers require a positive criterion and requesting a cache that has *not* been found for a certain time seems to be a bit in a grey area here. Either way - if the checker is not working it should be fixed or removed indeed...
I assume this challenge was created under the old challenge rules and was grandfathered.  In all the other cases I have seen, when no checker is possible, Project-GC does not have a checker, and that lets one know to check it by hand.

1 Answer

0 votes

Please post this in the forum on challenge checkers.

by sloth96 (3.8k points)