Edited text: OK, my original post is still valid for those who have lower finds counts. After testing it using the OP's total finds the checker fails to work but it does work for me with only 3.2k+ finds. I am not sure where the threshold is and don't plan to determine it.
Original text: I realize this question is over 2 years old but I stumbled on a non-checker script created by sumbloke that will actually work to gather the data together. You will need some MS Excel knowledge if you want to manipulate the data. It is only a workaround since I have not been able to find any tool that will do this in PGC. Below are the steps I used to display the data in a useful format:
1. Run this script http://project-gc.com/Challenges//22123
2. Copy then paste using 'Paste Special' - 'Unicode Text' into MS Excel spreadsheet. Don't forget the headers. It may take a bit to render depending on how finds.
3. Inside Excel, activate the Filters for the header row. Use the sorting functions in Excel to sort by type or D / T.
You will notice that the data is already sorted by found date.