I have just had my first AR cache published (using metaverse). Currently there are about 10 in the state I live in (Victoria, Australia), including a very very good one, GC7FGTM. I have done a couple of AR caches that arent location dependant (just did the experience, havent found the cache yet). I've also done a lab cache that used HP reveal. I think like anything else, early days means they will be buggy, many people will need to learn new skills etc etc. It wont be everyone's cup of tea, but then neither are challenge caches, or earth caches, or WIG's, or pretty much anything else. Even multi's get their fair share of flak (I have a very simple multi in the middle of a 10 cache trail along a walking path, the amount of cacher's that just don't do it is incredible).
I'm very glad they expanded the trail period, it has allowed for quite a few more caches to be published, bu also time for those who want to try and build them to get a better understanding of how their preferred platform works. Which can only lead to better caches, which means better feedback to HQ. I would love to see them stay, I think the opportunities are substantial, even if they aren't everyone's cup of tea.