upon exporting a GPX from a VGPS, p-gc tries to be smart and parses personal cache notes for coordinates and if it finds coordinates, independent of any context, it puts them into the "corrected latitude / corrected longitude" columns in a CSV export of the VGPS in question (It seems it operates on a first come first server princple).
Although I realize why this has been implemented this way, long time ago, now that Groundspeak supports a clear definition of what "corrected coordinates" are, I consider p-gc's behaviour a bad thing to do.
Here is an example: Assume I am working with a "Traditonal Cache", and I put parking coordinates into the Personal Cache Notes (because the owner has the parking coordinates only as plain text in his listing), p-gc takes the parking coordinates and puts the into the CSV as "corrected coordinates", essentially overriding the coordinates where I would truely find the cache in the field.
The least thing I would like to ask for is that I want to be able to optionally disable this functionality as it completely screws up my workflow.
To the authors of p-gc: Thank you very much for providing p-gc!