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+3 votes

The term "keyword search" on the dashboard as well as the description next to the find button suggest that this is a search for the keyword in any position in the cache name. However, by looking at the results and by description at, this is only a search for the the given string as the start of the cache name. On the one hand this is an example of the extend to which is behind in their UI, but on the other hand PGC should use correct terms. Although "keyword search" is misleading in itself, that is what it is called there, so you may leave it, but the help text should be corrected to damp expectations. Here is the description from 

  • Keyword - Enter a keyword to search for a geocache beginning with that word or phrase.
in Bug reports by DerLakaiMS (6.7k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
You can search for content in the middle of words. For example *llenge* will find cache names having the word challenge in them.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by DerLakaiMS
Sorry, thougth this would answer my question, but I just tried it and in doesn't - truncation in most cases leads to zero results. Just to stress this: I am talking about the Keyword search, not the Wildcard search. In the latter the truncation works of course.
Sorry, my fault. I thought about the wildcard search of course. I never use the keyword search myself. For keyword search I agree that the tooltip should be tweaked, I will fix that in our development environment today.