You can achieve this small icons for another cache types or sizes too. You just have to find one cache on 29th February, achieve FTF on it, do a matrix, complete a calendar. These four small icons are available for The Traditional Cacher, The Multi Cacher, The Mysterious Cacher, The Letterboxer, The Wherigo Cacher, The Earth Cacher, The Virtual Cacher, The Odd-sized Cacher, The Micro Cacher, The Small Cacher, The Regular Cacher, The Large Cacher. FTF and 29 FEB are located on the left side, matrix and calendar on the bottom. There another small icons for The Attribute Cacher (for Partnership and Geotour attributes), The Virtual Cacher (Old-virtual), The Rugged Cacher and The Adventurous Cacher (Climbing).