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+1 vote
With the publication of the BETA version of the new Badges, I tried to look at the Belt colours using the BadgeGen link posted at the bottom of the 'Profile States - Badges and Belts' page.

I get the BadgeGen page, but no graphics so I can't see the Badges or Belts. Is this a BETA glitch?

Thank you.
in Support and help by TwigNZ (4.7k points)

3 Answers

0 votes

They have this problem at for few days. But you should ask directly the creators of BadgeGen. Project-GC is a separate project and probably can't do anything about it.

by hynous (3.1k points)
0 votes
worked for me. Maybe already solved.
by supertwinfan (19.6k points)
I just checked again, and sadly it's still not working properly for me.
0 votes
Looks like the images are supposed to be coming from, but I'm seeing "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" for those URLs. Looks to me like an issue at the GSAK website.
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)