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+1 vote

I was going to ask: "How do I stop these email notifications" but I found it.

Something like a unfollow topic/comment option in the "My updates" section would be nice. Because now I had to go looking for my comment in the list to edit it and uncheck the "email me" checkbox.

  1. in the email, the url below "You may respond by adding another comment:" is not clickable
  2. The "Unsubscribe"  link in the mail, links to which gets a 404 error
in Feature requests by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

(not an answer as such, but a comment to how the notification mails about Q&A mails are composed):

It is visually tedious to identify what is relevant and what is not. Aside from paragraphs, it is all a wall of text, some of which hold the actual comment and some is filler.

Current structure:


A new comment by otheruser has been added after your comment on Project-GC Q&A:

This is where whatever is actually what has been added is put. There is no visible distinction between this an other sections of the mail.

Then another section of what otheruser wrote again just another paragraph.

The discussion is following:

This may have provided some context if it was visibilly different.

You may respond by adding another comment:

Thank you,

Project-GC Q&A

Instead, it may just be useful to take some CSS into use:


A new comment by otheruser has been added after your comment on Project-GC Q&A

This is where whatever is actually what has been added is put.

This time there is a visible difference between what has been added and what has not.

The discussion is following:

This is also visibly different and easier to identify.

You may respond by adding another comment

Thank you,
Project-GC Q&A

The <blockquote> is quite useful here because you would be using it semantically correct. How to make it look would be up to you.

EDIT: I notice that the rendering of <blockquote> is substantially different in edit mode and ordinary thread display mode.

by Funky_Boris (9.8k points)
This QA platform runs on Question2Answer, which is open source and you can contribute your changes easily (see the footer). I tried to improve the emails to contain at least the links, but I did not manage to find a time to do that properly. This sounds like a very useful improvement, but from what I remember, the emails are composed in some weird way. But you might be more successful then I was.