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+7 votes
New suggestion to Project-GC about the 366 Addon. How about changing that to a 365 Addon so Leap Day is NOT required. Reasoning is that you have a separate addon for Leap Day. So, for example when you have the 366 Addon you must have the Leap Day addon or else you wouldn't have all 366 days. It's redundant. 365 makes more sense if there is a separate Leap Day addon.
in Feature requests by DrPflug (1.1k points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
You have a very valid point in my opinion. We will write this down and consider it for the next version.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
+3 votes

Your point actually pretty good. It is redundant to have both LeapDay on 366 as AddOns.
We might change it to LeapDay as special AddOn and 365 (all days except Leap Day, not some random 365 days) in one of the next versions of BadgeGen (currently at v4.0.f).

by clappy (16.3k points)
Thanks for considering it.  and Y'all are doing a GREAT job on all this stuff!!  Keep it up!
+2 votes
The 366 calendar is for "having a full calendar", not "having done all the easy days". ;)
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Well, my intent was not to make it easier.   It just seemed logical to me that a 365 addon (for all days except Feb 29) and a 29 Feb addon to a badge would be equivalent to a 366 addon.  Minor point I suppose.