Needed Found Dates has a fantastic feature to assist us with calendar based projects. We can export our needed found dates to a .ics file and import them to our calendar so that we can avoid finding caches of a particular type until our phones tell us that today is the day to get one.
With the recent addon enhancements to BadgeGen I find I want to work on multiple calendar projects at once, to gain the "366" addons for a variety of badges. However calendar programs use the calendar subject line to provide the uniqueness when importing files, and regardless of what parameters are chosen in Needed Found Dates, the calendar file is always called "Missing found date". If I was to import a needed found dates for micro caches and follow that with the same for Traditional caches, and if both occurred on the same date then one will not import, or the earlier one will be overwritten. Obviously this risks a date being missed and thus a possible another year required to complete the calendar.
I recommend that the calendar subject line include a parameter reflecting the options chosen in the Needed Found Dates. This would allow multiple calendar files to be imported without conflict. There are two ways I think this could be implemented:
1. Add a code to the calendar subject line
For example "Needed found dates (AAA11BB222CCC45)"
Where A = cache types (A-Z), 1 = sizes (1-7), B = difficulties (A-I), 2 =Terrains (1-9), CCC=country (as a short code or numerical index), etc
2. Add a limited code for the more common options
Where a single option is selected, specify that option in the subject.
For example "Needed Found Dates (Micro)" or "Needed found dates (T1.5,T2.0)"
Where a more complex query was made (which is less likely) either use a very long subject (may need to be limited to 255 characters?) eg Needed found dates (Traditional Cache,Unknown Cache,T1.0,Australia,Small) or switch to the code per option 1 above.
I do not think there is a practical need to include the Loop option in the subject line.
There are some obvious difficulties. For example an easier solution will include turning off the multi-select capability in the option boxes. As these effect an "and" they do not fit well with the intention of Needed Found Dates (eg selecting T1 and T1.5 will give all dates where both are missing, so will not help to complete the calendar for either terrain rating)