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+1 vote

This isn't actually a question. But for those of you that create scripts, here are two trails where one script can cover a lot of challenges.

One script = 26 challenges (map)

One script = 40+3 challenges (map 1, map 2)

Disclaimer: I have not read about every challenge, but I assume it's as easy as I claimed above.

PS! If you start writing a script or start tagging, feel free to reply here, then others can avoid wasting time if they don't want to try to just be faster.

in Miscellaneous by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
no need to write a scipt My regexp script can do that.
An example config on
Edit: This is for the first map with 26 challenges
A script created fore the other map exampel at
You need 2 scripts on that map. One for each 1:st of all month and on fore everyday in a month
The second script created and all every day in a month challenges are taged
@Target / ganja1447, will continue Targets tagging-work on the first script, starting at "S" going down the alphabet...
looks like finished, so I guess you can mark it as answered.

1 Answer

0 votes

I've finished the "Target"'s tagging work on the "# x <letter> Caching Name Challenge" and set all my tags active.

by itsbrody (2.3k points)