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0 votes
Project-GC only seems to log me out when I'm working with their challenge checkers or the challenge checker forums.  The other pages do not log me out.  This is why I don't think it's about cookie settings on my machine.
in Bug reports by kilroy18 (140 points)
same question as the other one and same response - I have never had issues such as you describe - sorry.

1 Answer

0 votes
Since no one has answered this, I would suggest contacting Support via the orange button located in the upper right of most of the pages such as the Dashboard.  There you will find options where you can start a support ticket.

Keep in mind that there must be something unique about your system or a setting that is toggled on that is affecting this logging off problem.  I haven't encountered it but I also don't spend much time on the challenge checker forum.
by TigreToot (26.6k points)
edited by TigreToot