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+5 votes
in Feature requests by donut the cat (190 points)
I think the answer will be "no", but following in case it's "yes" :)

1 Answer

+8 votes
I'm pretty sure such a tool doesn't exist but I have a suggested workaround that requires less counting than just using the list of all your finds and counting it.

1) Find out what date you found the cache you want to check.
2) Use the URLmanipulation of the Profile Stats to find the milestone of the last cache of the same date.
3) If the last cache was not the cache you wanted to know about count backwards from that find. Or check the day before via URL and count from that if it's an early find in a day with many finds. :)

So still manual counting, but most likely just counting a few steps instead of counting hundreds or thousands.

List of all finds:
by Pleu (50.9k points)
Good answer :-)
After using the checker you can copy and paste the data to a spreadsheet.  Each row is numbered and with a little manipulation, you can rearrange to figure out the find number.
The only issue I have with that checker is that if you have a significant number of finds the checker fails (I presume it is to do with the number of finds) I get the error message "Unknown error fetching html output"
I have used GSAK for this purpose (appreciate NON-PGC - but is answering the Q) either using the count back method knowing specific milestones (using PGC milestone Tab) or downloading a .csv file for my finds and using the excel row numbers to identify the number relative to the find (or create an additional row and number them all)
This is really good to know, thank you very much!
@Deepdiggingmole Well, yes, that the checker times out is a problem. There are other checkers that lists all finds with different information, one of them might be able to handle your numbers.

An other version is of course to just click your finds on and use the arrows until you are at the right date and count from there. Also a non-PGC solution but with the added benefit of not needing to install anything or learn any software. :)