I found 459 caches this year. Not my best year, but not the worst either. I got a single cache outside the UK, in Kolkata, India, back in March. Unsurprisingly the holiday was cut short, so I missed the chance to find the earth caches at the Taj Mahal, but I was fortunate to get home the day before lockdown began.
The India cache marked the start of my longest streak without a find - 65 days ending in mid May.
In August I managed to beat my record for caches found in a day, getting exactly 100. These were mainly puzzle caches, so I beat my record for those over the year as well. I didn't get any Mega events, and haven't attended any events or CITOs at all since leap day. I managed to fill my 366 day grid for UK caches, and I'm currently working through my 366 grid for traditional caches as well.