From my perspective, p-gc's (and other tools') treatment of what is known as corrected coordinates is ill behaved. Corrected coordinates is a precise property of a geocache object as it is returned by GC's Live API. For each and every geocache object it is without any doubts clear, what the value of this property is. It is either set or it is not set.
By no means whatsoever, any tooling such as project-gc should go ahead and parse human readable data from the personal cache notes field and arbitrarily make an assumption that the first pattern that matches a coordinate is interpreted as "corrected coordinates".
I learned this the hard way myself quite a while ago. The answer that was given to me back then was: Please prefix the coordinates with a "^" (caret) to avoid havinf it parsed and interpreted in any way.
I can live with the "^", as a circumvention (as opposed to a solution), except that it makes my documentation, which I keep in the personal cache notes, very ugly for the human eye because of those carets all over the place.