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Is there an unwritten rule regarding how many challenge caches you can have, that have the same theme but an increasing level of difficulty (thus catering for those with many finds and those with much fewer) 

i.e. if I wanted to put out 5 challenge caches around say ''types' and they were as follows

1. Finds caches where at least 10 have to be multis, 10 have to be unknowns and 20 have to be trads 

2. Finds caches where at least 20 have to be multis, 20 have to be unknowns and 40 have to be trads 

3. Finds caches where at least 30 have to be multis, 30 have to be unknowns and 60 have to be trads 

4. Finds caches where at least 40 have to be multis, 40 have to be unknowns and 80 have to be trads 

5. Finds caches where at least 50 have to be multis, 50 have to be unknowns and 100 have to be trads 


essentially if you qualify for the last one you qualify for them all 


Am I allowed to have 5 challenges in a progression like this (or more if I wanted to go higher), where the theme is the same or is there a limit of the number of challenge caches I can have in these circumstances


Has anyone come across being advised that they can not do this or do you have such a series of challenges (theme is irrelevant except that it is the same in your series) 



in Miscellaneous by Deepdiggingmole (14.0k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
There have been some series of challenges that have been rejected by reviewers for being too same-y, it is basically down to the reviewer. However, these have consisted of a lot more challenges than you have suggested, so you should be fine. If in doubt ask your reviewer :)
by DrAcorn (5.2k points)
Yea - The list in OP was just an example
I had a series of five attribute based challenges all ready to go - have been told the limit for similar caches that progress like the example above is only 3 and that is from the reviewer - the limit surprised me as I am sure I had seen more
My challenges were done to allow finders of far fewer caches to claim as well as those who had found many, many more - 3 seemed a bit pointless if you wanted to do a progression of criteria
+1 vote
I have heard from a couple of people trying to publish challenge series like this that the progression (now) needs to be a doubling for each new challenge.

Thus, your series above would need to be:





by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Having had answers from elsewhere - it seems there is a rule of thumb - the limit being 3 if the challenges are the same but have a progression of difficulty - all being linked the the guideline of not placing a challenge cache near to a similar challenge whether by the same CO or a different CO
This, it also seems, does depend on what region you are in and how that regions reviewers feel about how many are put out
0 votes
I have certainly seen challenged of the type 3 cache types in 3 countries, 4 types in 4, 5 types in 5 etc. by the same CO, so this seems to be possible (or at least was at some stage).
by k+gw+a (12.6k points)
Yup I have seen 3*3, 4*4, 5*5, 6*6 and 7*7 types/countries all in close proximity by same CO