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I found GCK7TP which is near the southern border of Ontario, Canada (but most certainly still in Canada) but in my map stats it appears to be counting as a Minnesota, US find. Is there a problem with the maps/borders that needs to be fixed?
in Support and help by henne165 (120 points)
As far I can see, it is counted correctly in Ontario, for example, this user has that cache as their only find, and Ontario shows in their profile:
Is there more information you can give about the error?
Is that the only cache that you have found in the county of Rainy River in Ontario

If so then it does seem to be showing as correct in your stats
So when I checked my stats at the end of the day yesterday my count for MN was 1 higher than what the stats showed, while my count for ON was 1 lower. If it had just been one less on the ON side I would have just waited but the fact that there was an extra one counted in my MN stats I assumed it was an error. I just checked again now though and it looks like both have corrected. Not sure what happened or why, but it is apparently all good now. Maybe next time I’ll just wait an extra day and I apologize for any confusion. Weird.

1 Answer

–1 vote
Browsing for unanswered question/remark. I think this one could be closed or answered by this one
by Pepegeo (11.2k points)