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+1 vote
So I started geocaching in 2018, and after a few years I adopted 3 caches that were hidden before I started playing (and now are archived btw). Everything is fine, except for the caching karma graph on my profile stats - hides page. Since it counts that before 2018 I had 3 caches hidden and 0 found, it plots my karma (#hides/#finds) at the beginning as potentially infinite (think it's mathematically incorrect too). Consequently, the rest of the line gets flattened towards zero, no matter how high karma could be.

Anyone has any idea how to fix that?
in Bug reports by Tshio (130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
It actually doesn't count any data before your first find.

You logged your first geocache 2018-01 (Y-M). That month (the resolution in the chart is per month) you logged 3 finds. The same month you has received a total of 88 logs (up until and including). Hence the karma ends up at ~29.3, which is also what the chart shows.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
edited by magma1447 (Admin)
Oh, I see.
Is there any way to make these caches hidden before I began to play not count for karma?
No, since you adopted them they are yours. The only way is to adopt them to someone else (or an alternative account that you create).
@magma1447 , I've the same problem with adopted very old caches -maybe you could check (and comment), what you've done for Tshio.
I from this ticket understand the calculation behind, but this makes the graphical representation of my karma not very expressive, i.e. it does in the current not show an interesting view.

When the calculation itself is correct (for each month), it would be a good extension, if one could shrink the carma graphic to shortened time frame til now (with a moving window). What do you think?
First find 2011-04, a single find.
First hide before that. The chart starts at 2011-04.
A total of 567 logs received up until and including 2011-04. Karma 567/1 = 567.

It's working as intended. I don't understand how you would want to change it. It doesn't make any sense to me remove half of the geocachers geocaching career to make the chart flat.

From what date would you like the chart to start? And what's the motivation behind it? On what date should Tshio's chart start? And on which should mine start?

Generally we see it as "broken data in, broken data out".
"First find 2011-04, a single find.
"First hide before that. [...]" - that's in longer geocacher time adopted caches to save them, because the origin geocaacher retired. I do not know any geocacher, who start their career with hiding geocaches before finding at least some.

Adopting caches is wanted by groundspeak to save them a longer time.

What could be done, IMO?
In data:
- Filtering adopted caches generally or filtering adopted caches before starting caching career. Could be an switch option in preferences
- a "adoption free" karma number
In graph:
- a drill down or (time periodic) zoom in, where one can decide how precise the graph is displayed
There is no proper way to determine if a geocache was adopted or not.

Profile stats is static html for several reasons. A drill-down is therefore not technically feasible.
understood, that's not easy, but to make the static graph usefull again, a preference option to set its starting month (by default its set to first found month).
this could be overwritable, when set absolute or configured relative (back ### month) and related to the current month.