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Is it possible to list all finds of a specific weekday (e.g. Sunday)?

And I think of hiding a challenge cache… Any given Sunday… objective is 31 finds on 31 different Sundays… e.g. Sunday the 1st, Sunday the 2nd…. Until Sunday the 31st…

How is it possible to create a checker for this? Or is there a checker, that can be copied/modified?

Sorry guys, if these questions seem to be stupid, but I’m new to this…


in Support and help by DerDude71 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you need help creating a challenge checker, then you need to write a message at in order to reach the voluntary checker writers.

In this case, however, you first need to read the challenge checker guidelines ( As you can see there, your challenge idea might not be allowed. Requirements that have an element of "in a single day/week/month/year" are not allowed and won't be published.

by vogelbird (Expert) (58.2k points)
Hi, thank you. I will check that out.

Do you maybe have an idea of my first question as well:
Is it possible to list all finds of a specific weekday (e.g. Sunday)?
Yes you can list on each weekday
I think you misunderstand me. I want to know if it is possible to get a list on Project GC of all my caches that I have logged on a Sunday.