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With the new changes to the way milestones are determined it has messed up my 10,000th milestone. I knew this was a problem back on 8/21/2021 so I made sure I logged my caches carefully so that both Project GC and Geocaching showed my 10000th cache as GC1169 - Project Ape Mission 9: Tunnel of Light. It was correct for years and now the changes have caused this to be incorrect.  I do have GC1169 locked as my 10,000th milestone on Geocaching,com.

So after some log changes on geocaching,com I have been able to get my desired 10K cache GC1169 only 1 away from my desired cache.  So I am unable to do anything with the log for GC8NEAT as this cache is locked and I asked if they would assist with me relogging this cache and they flat out said NO.

10000,1045102975,GC8NEAT,2021-08-24 20:11:43,2021-08-21 12:00:00,2021-08-21

10001,1051874358,GC1169,2021-09-21 00:13:59,2021-08-21 12:00:00,2021-08-21

So I am unfortunately now stuck with GC8NEAT as my 10K milestone even though I do not want this cache as my milestone.  This whole thing with the Adventure Labs has caused major problems. I wish the Project GC algorithm would have been left alone and this adjustment would not have happened. Is there any way within the Project-GC domain I can define GC1169 this as my 10K  milestone?

3/11/24 - My issue has been resolved. This can be closed.

in Support and help by WanderingExplorer (7.5k points)
edited by WanderingExplorer
I have exactly the same problem with my 7,000th - meticulously planned & carefully logged to be a Community Celebration Event on 20.8.22. But this has now been usurped on Project GC by the CITO which I attended two hours beforehand. My logs are visually timestamped at the bottom. I have no idea why this would have changed. They are logged in that order on & I have only ever done one lab cache - to collect 11 icons in a day on 7.8.21, which was prior to my 6,000th milestone) - so it cannot be down to that. All previous & subsequent milestones have remained in the same positions, so I am at a loss.
Your issue is that you have an adventure lab on the same day that now has resorted your caches.  I was able to attempt to delete and relog certain so the timestamps reflect the order I wanted.  You can do this on archived caches (just a dd a note why you are doing it) THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE CAREFULLY. However if you have a locked cache in the mix it will not be possible to fully correct.
The one thing I know for sure is that my issue is NOT caused by logging a lab cache on the same day as I DON'T DO LAB CACHES!

I am disappointed that no one from ProjectGC has responded to either of our issues. I thought that this was supposed to be a Help & Support thread?!
@WHyvNa This is _community_ support, it's not the official support. But I've identified a bug that's causing the issue with your #7000 and I've reported it. Hopefully it's possible to fix it, if not I'll be able to tell you which cache that's causing the issue and what you need to re-log to fix it.
@WHyvNa The bug has been corrected and your milestone for #7000 should be GC8Q9HR on the next rendition of stats.
Thank you so much! I have made such an effort to get a different cache type for my milestones that I was so upset when this happened. I didn't want to mess around changing the order of my logs as that could then affect future updates & cause more problems. I am so pleased this has been resolved.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I understand why you dislike this solution but an easy way to fix this would be to move the log of GCP7H7 to after the milestone cache.

Project-GC does not offer an option to override milestones so this or to just delete a log you care less about (such as a lab cache find maybe?) would be the easiest solution to correct this currently.
by Pleu (50.8k points)
selected by WanderingExplorer
I don't know why I didn't think of that. Thank You Pleu. That solved my issue.
How and wehre can you delete a lab cache log for this correction?
If you visit the log page for lab caches you can delete a find there:
–2 votes
I was browsing open threads and found this open.
It's a community support, so don't wait for an answer by ProjectGC responsible, they answer in a message to all in recent newsletter.

I suppose then this thread could be closed/answered
by Pepegeo (11.2k points)