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+1 vote
I appreciate efforts have been made to reduce the false word count that resulted with generic logs using emojis and the like which resulted in high word count - however I have seen so many logs where absolute drivel has been written - then copied / pasted and used in logs and it would seem the sole purpose - to get to daimond level of the author badge in badgegen - I even read in one log that this was the purpose of the log as you saw it.
I had one log on an earthcache that in among all the drivel it advertised various events, shared various TB codes and even mentioned the fact that 'we find cans and this one was there' - it's and Earthcache !!!!!

It would seem that the original idea behind this badge (write longer logs to show appreciation to the CO) has now become counterproductive and logs are being written or rather one generic drivel is written and then copied and pasted in every log often with no refernce to the cache in question simply to achieve this badge

My main question would be - can this badge be removed - but I am sure I will be rebuffed on that but that I guess that is where I am going with this
in Feature requests by Deepdiggingmole (14.0k points)
I'd also support the removal of this badge, not only for the reasons above, but also that it is very difficult for users with high find counts to change level. My average is in the mid 40s, and with >6000 caches, getting the average up means that I would have to write many extremely long logs to make a very small change.
Yes - I am on nearly 30K my average is 49 - flashes in and out of 50 - but to get to the 100 I would have to generate a tome to copy and paste in thousands of logs I have already written to get anywhere near that - however that is not my aim and I am not going to contridict my concerns regarding this particular badge just so that I can get what I think will be the only one I cant get to Diamond level
Oh! and I haven't said all of this because it is one that I cant get to, I don't care about not being able to reach it - it is what it is  - my post is because of what I am witnessing in logs
I think that lowering the needed words for diamond level drastically could also help a lot. That would be an alternative to getting rid of it completely.

1 Answer

0 votes
I'm against the removal, because i've got the Diamond Badge without spamming emojis or writing unmeaning long copy&paste bullshit logs.
by capsai (1.6k points)
I don't doubt you got the badge on merit - however I would suggest you are in the very small minority of cachers who have got this badge without spamming emojis or writing unmeaning long copy&paste logs.
I have been caching for many years and long before PGC and badgegen were a thing and writing long logs on EVERY cache you find wasn't a necessary thing or with a goal (diamond badge)