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0 votes
Is there a way to download one's drafts (for offline editing purposes) ? There are available for modification in the GC app (or in Cachly) but I can't seem to find a way to download them...
in Support and help by Gamboy (390 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
you can download drafts, if you install tampermonkey and the script geocaching little helper in your webbrowser
by predator1337 (930 points)
selected by Gamboy
Thanks. I've been using GC Little Helper for some time, never had noticed this option.
0 votes

There's a way to fetch them into GSAK if you're a GSAK-user, but you can then only upload them as logs.
by Pleu (50.9k points)
I fail to see how to fetch them into GSAK. There seems to be nothing related to that in the menu.
There's a macro you need to use. Don't remember the name but probably something like "Fetch drafts" or "Fetch from drafts" or similar.