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0 votes
Until some weeks ago, Project GC was displaying the matrix fulfillment status for the types traditional, multi, mystery, letterbox, earth, WIG, virtual.

Now this list was completed by the matrixes for the size types micro, small, regular, large, other.

At least for my profile, the completion status of the size "other" matrix seems not reliable.

I have several D/T fields for which I found many caches with "other" size, but not registered in said matrix.

Is this a bug? Can it be corrected please?

If it is not a bug, how can I reliably sort out the caches I need to find to complete my size "other" matrix?
in Bug reports by chicago gen (120 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Looks like you've missunderstood the sizes. The one with the x is not "other", it's "not chosen". The one with a square is "virtual" and then the one with a question mark is "other". So the only grid you haven't filled is the one for "not chosen".

Looking at your stats all the grids are showing correctly and all your finds are accounted for.
by Pleu (50.9k points)
You‘re right!
Many thanks, that helped much!
0 votes
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.2k points)
0 votes
Can you please list a couple of D/T combinations which are not listed as completed for you, and GC codes for caches that you have logged that should fill those boxes?
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
My `"Size Other" Matrix does not contain. amongst others, the values:
D3/T3 despite I logged GC3FHV8, GC2EDJV, GC8CJF2 amongst others
D4/T1 despite I logged GC86FWV, GC87KD5, GC87V1C amongst others
D4,5/T5 despite I logged GC7ZXC7,, GC87KDT, GC87V1Z amongst others