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In October 2023, we found 50 caches in one day. Project GC gave us the 10 points we expected. On the description it says “10 points per 50 caches found on a day with most finds up to a maximum of 40”. Last month (June '24) we found 52 caches in one day - so this was our day with most finds. Are we wrong to expect another 10 points to be awarded? We have had several updates but nothing has appeared.

in Support and help by Flyboywizard (120 points)

1 Answer

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Yes, you've misunderstood how that part works. What “10 points per 50 caches found on a day with most finds up to a maximum of 40” means is that if you've logged 100 caches in a day you'll get 20 points, if you've logged 150 caches in a day you'll get 30 points and if you've logged 200 caches you'll get the full 40 points.
by Pleu (49.1k points)
It would be self evident that if you got 50 caches in a day then you would get 10 points - and if you got 100 caches on that same day then you would get 20 points.

What is ambiguous from the description in Project GC is what happens if you get 50 caches on one particular day and then another 50+ on a different occasion (with an extra few to make it your “best day”).

As it stands, it could be interpreted that you could get four lots of 10 points on separate occasions providing you exceeded 50 in a day AND exceeded your previous “best day “.

I have yet to speak to anyone in the UK who has legitimately found 200 caches in a day without using teamwork where multiple people have pooled their finds. If there is a trail where it is possible to achieve this then it would be great if someone could let me know.

From my point of view, if one was to cache for 18 hours in a given day, (so 1080 minutes), then to achieve 200 in that day you would need to log one cache every 5.4 minutes. This would include travel time between caches, search and retrieve, sign the log and replace.

It would be good to know where there is a density of caches available to make this feasible.
I don't consider it ambiguous. The key part of the wording is "on day with most finds". So if you get 50 caches in a day , and then later you get 51 in a day, then the latter is used for the points, and the first date is ignored.

As for getting 200 in a day, then yes it's a challenge, but getting 40 belt points isn't meant to be easy! If you do ad-lab caches, then getting 200 in a big city like London is probably achievable. For what it's worth, my maximum in a day is 100, but then I don't do ad labs.
@Flyboywizard I think you might need to keep in mind that the admin of Project-GC is not a native English speaker, if something is unclear it's more helpful to suggest a better wording. You might also consider you've just misread it as other people seem to understand it.

For logging over 200 caches in a day you'll need to find a power trail. The most well known is the ET-trail in the US Personally I got 400 in a day at a PT in Sweden, just 2 people in one car so it's definitely possible.

Or just go to one of the "Adventure Lab GeoArts" where you'll be able to get 1500 finds sitting on a bench in a town square.