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Since the availability of the events tab in the profile stats I did not check for events in the finds tab but I think there is some kind of bug not taking into consideration all event types on the finds tab.

But let me explain:

Going to the Events tab of the profile stats you can see Attended by event date 366 matrix. This overview seems to incoporate all type of events no matter if the are GPS Maze, Event, Mega, Giga, CiTo, CCE etc.

This is what I expected.

However going to the Finds tab and going to the Finds by found date matrix you can select Events or CiTos, but all other types of events are not available in the type selection.

So this left we with the question:

- do we miss the options to select other non listed Event types

- should other (non CiTo) event types we summarized under the Event selection

- is this on purpose

- what will happen with the new batch of CCE Events and Blockparty in 2025

It might be that this is all on purpose and I am just not getting the idea behind it, but it crossed my mind for some time now.
in Bug reports by Cappa-d (120 points)

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