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0 votes
I was looking at some caches on a PGC Virtual GPS list that I have and noticed that they are listed as active (Archive column shows 0), however the caches have been archived. I thought it might be a day or two timing, however the caches were archived close to a month ago and are still showing as active.

Is this normal behaviour? Do I need to do something to my list to refresh the archive status, or is there a usual timeframe by which archived caches are updated.

The examples are GC86VF8 (archived on 3 Dec 24) and GC91DAD (archived on 25 Nov 24).  Also GC9DW3T was archived in Oct 24.

in Support and help by RoamingHowie (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Caches that is not logged does not normally refresh as often as caches with more activity. If you have a list here on project gc all you have to do is a build  ( export / build gpx) and set the slider refresh caches older than nnn days).
by endator (3.1k points)
Thanks for this, I never knew about this option. I usually download the list as a csv, which doesn’t offer any refresh options.

Am I correct in saying that I will need to us the extract a gpx in order to refresh the data, and then I can go back and download the csv once this is completed?

Is there any way of having the refresh options available for a csv file also?

Thanks again.
After the data is refreshed to generate the gpx, your list should reflect the new status.
As far as I am aware this is the only effective way to make sure the caches on a list is updated accurately.

I only use the gpx files myself so I hadn't even noticed that a refresh was not available for csv.