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+1 vote

Hi, my specific issue was discussed back in 2023 at Map of Challenge Checkers hanging in some cases when requesting all of United States - PGC freezes when asking for a maps of challenge caches from the entire U.S.  The only way to get the entire U.S. is to do 51 separate state-by-state searches.  A couple of us discussed possible solutions, including:

  • Activate the multi-state selection capability on the map page, to allow me to click on more than one state at a time.  If I am traveling to one part of a country, I would like to be able to do one search covering multiple states (rather than 10 or 20 separate searches).  If one can create multi-state maps, anyone can can keep all searches under the current server capacity limits.

While this capability is a critical need in the U.S., it would also be very valuable for any cacher traveling through their own country or to other countries.  [For the US, a very inelegant and single-country stop-gap measure would be to create a somewhat arbitrary country of "United States (Western States)" and "United States (Eastern States)" to essentially divide the US into two pieces.]

Would love to get a sense of whether others would value the multi-state capability.  Thanks, bejs

in Feature requests by bejs (760 points)
edited by bejs

1 Answer

0 votes
Activating multi-select on the challenge map is something I've requested multiple times. The current workaround however is to instead use MapCompare with either the Cache name-filter or a Custom filter for the challenge attribute.
by Pleu (51.0k points)