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I have come across several older challenges of late where in the description there is no checker (not required back in the day) - but you look through logs and you see the phrase 
XXXXX has used Project-GC to see if they qualified for this challenge and they did. you click on the 'Project-GC' link and it takes you to the checker Well that makes it easier - only to find that the checker output doesn't quite fulfil the challenge criteria as laid out in the description.

One example
You had to find a number of caches consecutively so that the D ratings of those caches addd up to a certain number as well as the T ratings doing the same (though you only add the Ts to the other Ts - it isnt a mixed addition) - however part of the criteria is you had to indicate when you were starting the challenge with an 'intention log' (this was not uncommon back in the day and isn't used nowadays) and only finds after that counted. This was specifically laid out in the criteria

Yet the checker searches your whole caching activity and in most instances when the checker was used a list of caches long before their intention log is provided.
For me - I added an intention log in 2018 before there was a checker created for this one and now the checker output lists caches back in 2005. So that list would not fulfil the challenge criteria as set out - however it is being used for found logs 

In this instance the CO had not requested the checker nor did he get asked to verify it - to the point that he has now had to waver the intention aspect of the challenge thus changing the original challenge criteria.
Now where the output does fulfil most of the challenge requirements, I am aware the checker can not include a specified date (changeable for each cacher) to enable that aspect of the criteria to be fulfilled.
So - before anyone wants to respond ... If this happens then the CO should check the checker output once they realise one has been created and challenge it if it is wrong - I agree and in many cases where a checker has been created / requested by a third party a CO has spotted it and in some instances has even said on the cache page - there is one but it is wrong or whatever - but this has not always happened as not all COs read every log that comes in and so may not be aware that a checker has been created. Yes, COs should be aware but it doesn't always work like that. So my main point here is - when a checker request comes in to PGC on older challenges (pre moratorium) by someone other than the CO which I am sure will continue to happen though not as much as they used to - can there be a request/requirement to involve the CO to ensure the checker that is created does fulfil the criteria as they have set out

in Miscellaneous by Deepdiggingmole (14.1k points)
edited by Deepdiggingmole

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