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Hi all,

I'm trying to use the "Multiple Test Checker v2" script for a challenge :
Find an Earthcache in 50 counties

But the "count" "field": "county" does not work for regions without counties.

Examples of Earthcaches not considered in my Challenge Checker :
GC487RN (Country=Vatican City State, Region=Civitas Vaticana, County=None)
GC487RN (Country=US Virgin Islands, Region=Saint Croix District, County=None)
GC487RN (Country=Uruguay, Region=Montevideo, County=None)



closed with the note: Wrong forum for this question. Sorry!
in Support and help by OusKonNé & Cétyla (550 points)
reshown by OusKonNé & Cétyla
Oops, wrong forum for this question. Sorry!