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0 votes
I'm testing the new virtual GPS and its sharing functionality.

II'm prefer to See,  when a list is shared; this could be achieved in the ui headline, where the currently selected Virtual is shown by name using an additional Icon there.

Furthermore when calling the share-settings it would be good, to directly see the current share status. The Chance Dialog could then be the same...


in Feature requests by itsbrody (2.3k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I am not sure I get this.

  • When viewing a list not own by yourself, it says so above the grid.
  • However when viewing a list that is owned by you and shared to others, it says nothing. That could be improved.
  • The share modal (popup) does show the current status.

Please ellaborate.

by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
I mean a list, I'm owning and managing the shares. The other case did currently not hit me :-)

In the meantime I saw one time the modal dialog is showing the current share state. I mean to see "that list is shared in some way" outside of it, too.