Virtual GPS 1 had a feature that allowed us to remove found caches from the virtual GPS list. It would be nice if this could be re added (say to the action/status line at the bottom, where the full screen, add row, delete row options are. How about a smiley with a line through it?). Remember that Virtual GPS contains my task list for the day, and I usually do not want my GPS cluttered with found caches.
Either as a delete found caches (eg a smiley icon with a line through it added to the action/status line at the bottom, where the full screen, add row, delete row options are ) or a select smileys option (icon?) so that Delete Selected could be used.
In the case of solved mysteries, we can do a solved mystery query with a not found filter. But for every other map with a Add to VGPS button there is no option to exclude finds except by going through the list and unticking them one by one. Or adding the full list to Virtual GPS then ticking them all and deleting them there. At least in VGPS2 I can sort them so that found caches are easy to find, making it a little easier to delete them.
I used this option quite a bit. Could I have it back please?