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0 votes
First of all: I like it, even it does mean more work for scripters and taggers.

I have a suggestion so one can use this feature more elegantly:

By clicking on the tag link in "My issues" a combo box should be filled with all the cachers in the list or the cachers should be listed on the tag site. This would increase speed of testing a lot, better than copying and pasting each single profile name from one browser tab to the other.

in Feature requests by hampf (4.3k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
It is probably not necessary. Most error are basic members,coordinates problem and users with 0 finds. (0 find it often easy to solve by adding a 0 finds chech and an extra return.
Just identify the problem with one user and fix the script. All issues vanish when the script is saved
It it not necessary to test each tag, fix one for the script if it is a script error and fix other problems later when when they appair
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
selected by hampf
I see your point. I do not render this improvement as neccessary any more.