You can force a update by building a GPX and check that box.
But that wont help because there is no simple way to get all corrected coordinate from because there are not API method to get them.
But you can get all personal cache notes with a API call
If you add them to the personal cache note they will be download when you check the box on a gpx rebuild or automatically the next 24 hours.
The work for you is the same as to copy them to the personal cache note as it is to add the to a list
The only way to get the corrected coordinates from is by dowloading them the same way as you do on phone apps. You have only 6000 full and 10000 lite updates per 24 hour.
To download all corrected from you need to refresh 295991 unknowns and 140193 multicaches that would take 29 days and you would not be able to use your geocachingapps.