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In order to claim this challenge as a find you must first find 20 (XX) caches with a X in it. They must be stand alone letters and must be capitalized in the cache title. The X cannot be part of a word or abbreviation, such as x-ing. The other roman numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. Any X appearing with these letters that make a roman numeral will also count. Past finds do count so you may already qualify. You may only use 3 caches from a series and you must include 4 different icons. Show your qualifiers any way you see fit but include GC #, Name, date found, and 4 different icons.
in Miscellaneous by Clubmud! (3.2k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
the limit of "max 3 caches from a serie" is difficult to implement
by jpavlik (Expert) (18.5k points)