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0 votes
challenge checker returns empty page

HTTP response header is 500 - ISE
in Bug reports by rabmoor (2.8k points)
I can replicate this.

The script seems to have disappeared - viewing source shows nothing and the timestamps for created and updated have reset to the Unix epoch.
sumbloke: This is not a "normal" checker. It's written by PGC and it's written in PHP. That's why there isn't any source code to view.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
We have just released a fix.

The reason behind it is that we are doing a major rewrite of the site. More or less all database communication is rewritten, and here and there we might implement some bugs.

We are currently testing our new version for a few hours and will switch back to the old source code again in a few hours from now.

Then we will keep rewriting the source code and maybe make a real release in 1-2 weeks.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by rabmoor
0 votes
I don't get the 500 but I get no response at all.  I believe that's one of the non-LUA checkers that only the grandmaster can diagnose and fix.
by SeekerSupreme (5.0k points)