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+1 vote
Can we get a cache type filter on the Top found percent statistics?

For example, to be able to check who has found the highest percent of mysteries in an area.
in Feature requests by TrulsHE (130 points)
Just select top found and add a filter on type of cache (I suppose it's just a selection to be made)

Sorry too quick for answer, then converted to comment, the add a filter is not yet available for this statistics, nor the personal filter so it doesn't help either
A incomplete workaround is to use Top Finders and a custom filter for only active caches. The difference is that owned caches is counted as found in Top Found Percent  but not in Top Finders.

1 Answer

0 votes
While I do understand the use-case, it would be more work than we feel it's worth. This is because we are already filtering the types in a hard coded way.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)