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0 votes

I'm using map compare pretty often to generate small gpx-files when caching with friends. Since 2 days map compare does not return any results anymore: 0/0 . Any idea what happened?


closed with the note: The problem is solved! The fix works perfectly. Thank you guys
in Support and help by fankido (2.4k points)
closed by fankido

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I have created and released a potential fix now. The saved routes should not be able to have an index of 0 and the behaviour from that might be unexpected.

Due to a bug this could happen if one removed all existing routes and then created a new one.

I could not reproduce the issue you were having, but I hope this has been fixed now anyway.

Note that your old link ...[]=Wawuschell&country=Switzerland&nonefound=on&ownfound=on&location=N+46%C2%B0+53.765+E+007%C2%B0+19.702&max_distance=100&my_route=0&submit=Filter

... won't work anymore. It contains my_route=0, but you do not have a route 0 anymore. It's renamed to 1 instead. Using the web interface to recreate it will remove that problem (or just replace the 0 with a 1 in the link).

I really hope this fixes it. *holding thumbs*

by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by fankido
Hey, thanks! Works great.
Great support, great site!
0 votes
It's not that simple. It works fine for me just now. I suspect you have some weird combination of search terms that don't give any hits. What's the URL of the search you're trying?
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (195k points)
After a hefty wait time during which my browser is sluggish I get this for your search:

A limit of 10000 was hit, narrow your search down a bit.
Blue The 617 caches that only fankido has logged
Red The 9217 caches that none has logged
Oh, sorry about that. I tried 100km when I got the 0/0 but it should actually be 10
Same behaviour outside of the Firewall with no AV. Firefox and Chrome, Nothing doing.[]=Wawuschell&country=Switzerland&nonefound=on&ownfound=on&location=N+46%C2%B0+53.765+E+007%C2%B0+19.702&max_distance=10&my_route=0&submit=Filter
Looking at the url have you got a route filter enabled as well? Is the route actually within the radius you are searching?
Eeehm. No. I do not.
I did once or twice, but removed it always afterwards.
Let me see what happens when I remove the route from my profile entirely
I get back to you in a few minutes
I deleted all routes but one. This one is locked, means I can not delete it.
New Compare. 0/0
Hmm, I added route filter to map compare and removed it again.
New Compare. 142/118

Close the browser, open the browser, redo again.
New Compare. 0/0
Hmm, I added route filter to map compare and removed it again.
New Compare. 142/118

So, it looks as if the Information to remove the route got stuck someware.
Whenever i reconnect to project-gc, the route information is there again?
At least you helped me and I have a way to get the results I need.
Thank's a lot

You may want to try logging out of project-gc and then clear your browser cache to see if that solves the problem, at least you have a work around for now.
It's most likely some issues with routes that has ID=0. I will try to build a reproduction case of it.
0 votes
I do the same queries as ever.

Myprofile compare with friend-profile

Cache location switzerland

show: "none found", "owned as found"

Radius from Homebase, say 10km

That's it actually. It just shows the world map and says 0/0
by fankido (2.4k points)
reshown by fankido
Oh, sorry about that. I tried 100km when I got the 0/0 but it should actually be 10
Same behaviour outside of the Firewall with no AV. Firefox and Chrome, Nothing doing.[]=Wawuschell&country=Switzerland&nonefound=on&ownfound=on&location=N+46%C2%B0+53.765+E+007%C2%B0+19.702&max_distance=10&my_route=0&submit=Filter
Strange result. I get 142 found and 118 not found caches from that link on FF and chrome in windows. What OS you using?
Have you tried to clear the cache in the browser so no strange old page is in there?